Tuesday, February 18, 2020

SDG Blog 2

Gender Equality in India

Today, women in India experience several forms of gender inequality. This includes lack of access to education, work, and representation in political decision making. This hindrance not only affects women, but it also affects humanity as a whole. By refusing to allow women to obtain rights, we are withholding our chance to create a equitable and feasible world. In order to promote gender equality, India is implementing several tactics that will help meet this sustainable development goal. As of June 2019, “India has achieved gender parity at the primary education level and is on track to achieve parity at all education levels,” (“SDG 5: Gender Equality”, n.d.).

In order to ensure gender equality is present, India has developed different strategies such as the prime ministers initiative known as “Beti Bachao Beti Padhao,” (“SDG 5: Gender Equality”, n.d.). Beti Bachao Beti Padhao “is being implemented through a national campaign and focussed multi sectoral action in 100 selected districts low in CSR (Child Sex Ratio),” (Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, n.d.). There are three objectives of this initiative. These objectives are: “Prevention of gender biased sex selective elimination,” “Ensuring survival & protection of the girl child,” and “Ensuring education and participation of the girl child,” (Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, n.d.). Other programs such as Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana and Janani Suraksha Yojana are also working towards increasing female employment and empowerment of girls, (“SDG 5: Gender Equality”, n.d.). Because of programs like these, India is able to fight gender inequality head on.   
Furthermore, the percentage of seats in political offices held by women is increasing. Although the Lok Sabha, also known as the House of People, has only reached 11% of women, the Panchayati Raj Institutions, also known as local self-government, has achieved a total of 46% of women, (“SDG 5: Gender Equality”, n.d.). However, India is still slowly working on increasing female representation in political and economic offices and organizations.
In order to ensure that these goals are being met, India’s Parliament is playing a significant role in organizing several forums that target these sustainable development goals, including gender equality. According to the Voluntary National Review Report (2017), “ The NITI Aayog, with the Prime Minister as its chairperson, is to provide the overall coordination and leadership,” (Voluntary National Review Report, 2017). Additionally, India is making sure these goals are financially attainable by using programs such as “Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY), the world’s largest financial inclusion programme,” (Voluntary National Review Report, 2017). It has allowed “the Government to disburse a cumulative amount of INR 1.6 trillion (USD 25 billion) to 329 million beneficiaries through Direct Benefit Transfer,” (Voluntary National Review Report, 2017). With this money, India has been able to provide employment, build schools, build houses, and so on (Voluntary National Review Report, 2017). 
Like many other countries, India is working extremely hard in order to meet their sustainable development goals. By implementing new programs and continuing to promote these goals, India will be able to achieve gender equality in the future. 

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao. (n.d.). Government of India. Retrieved from

SDG 5: Gender Equality. (n.d.). United Nations in India. Retrieved from
Voluntary National Review Report. (2017). United Nations. Retrieved from

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